A fascinating new theory circulating on the GTA 6 subreddit connects the moon, Bonnie and Clyde’s identification numbers, and a license plate—all converging on the number 27. Fans speculate this could mean Rockstar will unveil a GTA 6 trailer on December 27.
This idea gained traction from a GTA 6 leaks Twitter account, which dissected a post from a Rockstar developer. While the post seemed mundane, showing a Rockstar Games hoodie, a paper bag, and a cat, fans noticed the cat hair on the hoodie resembled the Roman numeral VI. Additionally, a phone number on a piece of paper referenced a business called “27 Auto Sales.” From there, the hunt for all things “27” began, and surprisingly, a lot of connections were found.
For instance, Rockstar Games’ official Instagram page has 27 posts. At the 27-second mark in the GTA 6 trailer, a pink car appears with “27” on its rear window. Even the license plate on a Los Santos State Trooper vehicle adds up to 27. However, not all theories are so direct.
Some fans have taken this obsession with “27” in unexpected directions. One pointed out that the lunar cycle is 27 days long. While this might seem unrelated, it revived an older “moon theory” about GTA 6. The theory suggests Rockstar times major announcements to phases of the moon, particularly the Waning Gibbous.
This idea stems from patterns in Rockstar’s release history. The first GTA 6 trailer debuted on December 1, 2023, during a Waning Gibbous moon. Similarly, Red Dead Redemption 2’s first trailer dropped on October 20, 2016, and the “My Name is John Marston” trailer for the original Red Dead Redemption premiered on November 30, 2009—both during Waning Gibbous phases.
While intriguing, it’s more likely Rockstar prefers making announcements near year-end rather than adhering to a lunar schedule. For moon enthusiasts, however, the next Waning Gibbous occurs on January 19, 2025, so they’ll be watching.
Back to grounded theories, one fan noted that adding up views from all uploads of the GTA 6 trailer briefly equaled 27—until more people watched or someone refreshed the page.
Another idea ties the Roman numeral VI to December 27, also known as the Feast of St. John. Some speculate this could hint at a St. John cameo in GTA 6, as nothing feels off-limits anymore.
Perhaps the most convincing detail comes from the identification order of Bonnie and Clyde: 1227. This could link to December 27 (12.27), aligning with speculation since Bonnie and Clyde seem to inspire the two main characters of GTA 6.
As one fan put it: “Even if Rockstar didn’t plan to release something on the 27th, now they have to. The 27th is perfect.” If nothing happens, many fans will be disappointed, as the theory feels like too good an opportunity to miss.
That said, this could all just be confirmation bias. Rockstar’s content is so packed with details that you could likely pick another random date and find connections just as compelling. But for now, December 27 holds fans’ attention—and maybe, just maybe, it’ll be the day we get the next big reveal.