A recently leaked image from Rockstar’s highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto 6 has surfaced online. Reportedly taken from a four-year-old version of the game, the photo reveals a previously unseen location. Shared on Reddit, the image features GTA 6 protagonist Lucia standing near a wall, with containers visible in the background. Despite its age, the leak has generated excitement among fans, eager for any new insight into the game. The Reddit post also includes a video reportedly showing the interior of Rockstar Games’ offices, where a PlayStation 5 devkit is visible, adding credibility to the leak.
Fans React to the GTA 6 Leak
Although the leaked image doesn’t provide as much information as earlier playable builds, it has fueled speculation about its setting. Some fans believe the scene resembles a shipyard due to the containers near Lucia, while others suggest it could depict a military base.
It’s worth noting that the image is from an older build of the game, so the location may have changed significantly since then. Nonetheless, fans praised the level of detail visible in the image, particularly noting Lucia’s sharp shadow, which highlights the game’s impressive graphics.
While this leak doesn’t reveal groundbreaking details, it has reignited discussions within the GTA community, underscoring the high level of anticipation for the game.
Fans Still Await Official Updates
With recent speculation about a second trailer reveal proving false, fans remain uncertain about when Rockstar will provide the next official update. For now, leaks like this one continue to serve as the primary source of new information about the game.
As one of the most eagerly awaited titles in recent years, GTA 6 has left fans increasingly impatient due to Rockstar’s prolonged silence. The developers’ most recent update hinted at a Fall 2025 release window, but little else has been shared since.
While fans await further news, this leaked image has sparked fresh excitement and speculation, keeping the community abuzz with discussion.